St. Thomas Episcopal School "Night in New York" March 3, 2012

  Please select image below to view the rest of the images on my Facebook page. Please "Like" my page if you enjoy the images.

[caption id="attachment_174" align="alignleft" width="1000" caption="St. Thomas Episcopal School "Night in New York" March 3, 2012, Carlos Fernandez Photography 305.793.6446"][/caption]

For those of you that do not have Facebook feel free to download images from the "Show Picture List" below. They are, however, easier to see from Facebook. It was fun and a pleasure to be at your event. ENJOY!

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2012 Art Wynwood

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I photographed the 2012 Art Wynwood VIP / Press Preview Night and After Party at Wynwood Walls for NewTimes Miami. Here are selected images from that event. The art was amazing. About thirty percent was photography. Of course I was very focused on the photography. Photographers, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Andy Warhol,  and Douglas Kirkland were among the most notable ones featured.


Falls Artwalk - Miami

I'll be exhibiting "Images of Cuba" this evening at M&R (8825 SW 129 St. Miami). I am part of the Falls Art District Gallery Walk in Miami this evening from 7pm till whenever...Last month we got Rained out, however, tonight it should be great. The interesting thing is that M&R is an Auto Repair location by day and Art Space for the Artwalks. Come and enjoy the Artwalk.

What is "Fair Use?"

I went to an art show a couple of weeks ago and many of the artists and craftspeople had signs reading "No Photography." I guess they were either ignorant or hoping that fair goers were. How can someone demand that when they are in public and there is no expectation of privacy? It was really ironic because some of the artists either photographed or painted things that other people had made, I.e. buildings, famous structures, copies of artwork etc. you would think that the rules that people further should apply to them also. Just saying!

Bike Ride Through The Redlands Last Sunday

I encountered this relatively simple subject of the Pump House Against Blue Sky on my bike ride last Sunday. Sometimes simple is just right. Especially against the bright blue sky. I shot it with my Leica D-Lux 5 that is usually with me everywhere I go. [caption id="attachment_144" align="alignleft" width="1000" caption="Pumphouse against Blue Sky"]Pumphouse against Blue Sky[/caption]

The Nostalgia of Marine Stadium Miami

While I know I am dating myself, I attended many concerts at this magnificent venue. Humble Pie, Yes, Loggins and Maessina, Seals & Crofts, to name a few. Some as a paying entrant and some as a gate crasher on my surfboard. Groups of us would meet on the beach about half a mile away and tie six packs onto our surfboards and paddle to the stage under the cover of night and watch the concerts next to the paying boating patrons. Architecturally this place is a gem, but has been neglected since Hurricane Andrew came through. Now it's a canvas for any and all. There is a move underway to restore the place and it's getting some traction. Hopefully I'll get to see more concerts there in the future. And maybe I'll even drag out the surfboard. [caption id="attachment_140" align="alignleft" width="1000" caption="Miami Marine Stadium 2011"]Miami Marine Stadium 2011[/caption]

Infrared Palm

Over the years I've experimented with Infrared Photography. This used to be a rather difficult and pain staking process. First Infrared film was rather expensive, needed to be kept very cold as it responds to heat, did not travel well due to heat and X-rays, and on top of it all had to be loaded and unloaded in your camera in a darkroom or dark bag. The great part was that you never knew what you were going to get. Sometimes you would get incredibly beautiful images from rather plain subjects. One of these images is shown below. This is an actual Infrared image negative that was scanned for digital display. [caption id="attachment_135" align="alignleft" width="2381" caption="Infrared Palm"]Infrared Palm[/caption]

Boy Waiting For School-Havana, Cuba

[caption id="attachment_119" align="alignleft" width="640" caption="Boy awaiting school-Havana, Cuba"]Boy_awaiting_school__Havana__Cuba[/caption] On one of my trips to Havana, Cuba, I noticed a boy waiting in front of a building. Initially, I thought he was awaiting a bus, but quickly realized that there is no such thing as school buses in Havana. Being a large city everything is in close enough proximity to walk or bike. Since it was very early and I was shooting with Medium Format film I had to wait until he was very still to avoid blurring the image at such a slow shutter speed. As it turned out he was waiting directly in front of the school: an old converted residence. School uniforms are used in Cuba. All students, regardless of age or sex, wear school uniforms with the color denoting grade level. Children also wear scarfs as members of Cuban young pioneers organization (Pioneros). The red and white uniform he has on identifies him as a primary school student. Something that was always in the back of my mind every time I saw a child: It could have been me...


NY Times article on IPhone Camera Apps

[caption id="attachment_124" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Models at Wynwood Miami Gallery Walk June 2011"]Models at Wynwood Miami Gallery Walk June 2011[/caption] Here's the link to a NY Times article on "must have" camera apps. Good read.

iPhone image manipulation with apps.

Here are two versions of an image taken with my iPhone 3G. I'm awaiting the version 5 this Summer/Fall. I'm showing these example to illustrate the dramatic editing you can perform with existing iPhone apps. There are so many on my phone that I cannot list them all. Try them out for yourself and see how much fun it is.



Blue Chevy in the Streets of Havana, Cuba

Blue Chevy in the Streets of Havana, Cuba
Blue Chevy in the Streets of Havana, Cuba

I decided that during this week of commemoration of the Bay of Pigs Invasion I would post an image from one of my trips to Cuba. This is an odd and surreal place where it seems that there is an endless dance to circumvent the system in order to survive. It almost seems as though everything is an illusion. Much like the car you see above. It looks like an old Chevy, and on the exterior it is. When it rumbles down the road though, you hear the unmistakable sound from under the hood of a Russian made diesel engine, along with the black smoke trailing from the exhaust.