This past weekend I had a Meetup with the Photography Group I started in Cape Town. I love the Woodstock area and I especially love going to the Old Biscuit Mill on Saturday mornings. Such a cool vibe. I've seen a lot of interesting things on the way in and out of the area, especially the people and architecture. The main purpose of the photo-walk was to document and contrast the old and new. The area is slowly becoming developed commercially with Galleries, Restaurants and very nice shops and apartment buildings. The area mainly consists of a vibrant but sometimes nefarious Cape Coloured community. Most are hard working people trying to make a better life, but there is a gangster element that exists and thrives on the drug trade. I wish I could have spent more time there but the Police ushered us out for our own protection saying that if we continued in this area we could easily be assaulted or killed for our photography equipment. Of course we complied. What a shame. The result are a limited number of images from the community. A colleague and I made a plan to go back near dawn one weekend as most of the bad people are either too tired to do anything or still asleep! LOL
Infrared Palm
Over the years I've experimented with Infrared Photography. This used to be a rather difficult and pain staking process. First Infrared film was rather expensive, needed to be kept very cold as it responds to heat, did not travel well due to heat and X-rays, and on top of it all had to be loaded and unloaded in your camera in a darkroom or dark bag. The great part was that you never knew what you were going to get. Sometimes you would get incredibly beautiful images from rather plain subjects. One of these images is shown below. This is an actual Infrared image negative that was scanned for digital display.
[caption id="attachment_135" align="alignleft" width="2381" caption="Infrared Palm"][/caption]