My 365 Project for 2019

One of my personal projects for 2019 is to complete another 365 photo project. For those that are not familiar with a 365 photo project, it consists of making at least one image a day and posting it online, or just keeping it somewhere in your personal space. The idea is to nurture creativity in sometimes normal and mundane, everyday items, or exciting photo opportunities that you may encounter. I’ve chosen to post my images to Instagram and Facebook. Like I said, sometimes it’s an exercise in trying to make something out of nothing. Since I work, most of my week is spent around everyday things at home or at work.Trying to make those images interesting is a challenge. It’s much easier to make somewhat interesting images on my time off because of the exposure to more opportunities throughout the day. I’ve attached my images to date. Since it’s the twelfth, there are twelve images.