Over the weekend I attended the Miami Street Photography Festival. I am overjoyed that it was hosted in Miami, that there was great attendance, and an international group of renowned photographers were present to share their knowledge with those in attendance. However, I came away more confused after leaving the festival about what street photography actually is. Especially to those that are held up as the experts of the genre. Additionally, there was a clear under-representation of Black and White photography. in favor of color photography. I would have thought at least it would have been closely equal. Street Photography has always been dominated by the black and white image. Making black and white images is clearly more difficult. As was said by a famous photographer, “Any fool can make a color image!” Besides image color I was even more confused by composition. Many images were obviously staged, and admittedly so. While a street portrait of an individual in a natural pose, as well as candids are called Street Photography, there has always been a recognized line to not purposely pose an individual or create a specific scene. And yet I saw many instances of this. I don’t know if all of these things are a trend or an evolution. Some people argue that we see in color, therefore, images should be in color. I don’t really know. Nor do I know that it actually matters. Like I said, I am confused, but that is not to mean that I will change my style.