Recently I sent out a call for complimentary portrait sessions for women that are not professional models. The idea was to make an effort to offer the opportunity to women of all ages and types a Glamorous Modeling session. I know a few photographers who have offered this service in other areas of the country with great success. After your teens or a wedding, how many times do you have the chance for a portrait session of your own. The answer is universally simple, not at all unless you're in the entertainment industry. I'm not talking about a Boudoir session, just a regular portrait session of yourself with a couple of outfit changes. Carolina was my first model. She initially needed some head-shots, but was intrigued with the portrait idea also. My object was not only great images, but to also have her feel the pampered modeling experience for a couple of hours. I decided to do the session outdoors to see how that worked. This time of year is beautiful and comfortable. The images were mainly made with natural light, with the assistance of a reflector to fill in some, but not all of the shadows. Shadows tend to show depth and make an image more interesting. At the end of the session I was pleased to find out that Carolina really enjoyed the session and did in fact get the "model experience" while we were shooting. I plan on doing several of these sessions. The session is complimentary, and the images may be purchased at a considerably reduced rate. Facebook images are always free. If you are a woman over thirty-five (or close) and are interested please contact me. The reason I am offering a limited amount of complimentary sessions is that I plan on making this genre a part of my core photography business. Everyone should be able to feel like a model for a day!